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叽里呱啦儿童启蒙英语全套课程 种子萌芽路线主线课程自然拼读视频音频全套资料

发表于 2019-9-18 23:52:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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课程名称: 叽里呱啦儿童启蒙英语全套课程 种子萌芽路线主线课程自然拼读视频音频全套资料


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截止2019年,叽里呱啦用户达到2500万,覆盖全国2300多个市县乡镇。 全国0至8岁的儿童家庭,每6个就有1个是叽里呱啦的用户。 在2018年11月,叽里呱啦完成了B轮融资,投资方为红杉资本中国基金、贝塔斯曼亚洲投资基金以及挚信资本。


|   ├──01B.种子路线MP3儿歌  
|   |   ├──baby bumblebee.mp3  2.33M
|   |   ├──hickory dickory dock .mp3  3.00M
|   |   ├──hokey pokey.mp3  585.99kb
|   |   ├──if you are happy .mp3  835.11kb
|   |   ├──itsy bitsy spider .mp3  660.38kb
|   |   ├──london bridge .mp3  1.88M
|   |   ├──mr sun .mp3  498.37kb
|   |   ├──rain rain go away.mp3  2.68M
|   |   ├──rock a bye baby .mp3  613.47kb
|   |   ├──this little piggy.mp3  2.07M
|   |   ├──this old man.mp3  827.99kb
|   |   └──twinkle little star .mp3  4.63M
|   ├──02.萌芽路线课程(48节)  
|   |   ├──萌芽课程(分段)  
|   |   ├──Lesson01-04 Good Morning.MOV  233.89M
|   |   ├──Lesson05-08 Having a Meal.MOV  246.31M
|   |   ├──Lesson09-12 Getting Ready.MOV  247.13M
|   |   ├──Lesson13-16 Playing Outside.MOV  276.02M
|   |   ├──Lesson17-20 Taking a Nap.MOV  240.94M
|   |   ├──Lesson21-24 Playing Games.mov  269.68M
|   |   ├──Lesson25-28 Taking a Walk.mov  254.85M
|   |   ├──Lesson29-32 Haveing a Snake.mov  272.42M
|   |   ├──Lesson33-36 Yummy Food.mov  275.16M
|   |   ├──Lesson37-40 Potty Time.mov  240.18M
|   |   ├──Lesson41-44 Bath Time.mov  250.17M
|   |   └──Lesson45-48 Good Night.mov  277.75M
|   ├──02B.萌芽路线MP3儿歌  
|   |   ├──Apples  Bananas.mp3  949.45kb
|   |   ├──Lavenders Blue .MP3  2.82M
|   |   ├──Love Somebody.MP3  2.73M
|   |   ├──Miss Marry Mack .MP3  3.81M
|   |   ├──Open Shut Them .mp3  1.81M
|   |   ├──Row Row Row Your Boat.mp3  528.02kb
|   |   ├──Sleepy Bear.mp3  516.18kb
|   |   ├──Super Simple Learning - One Potato, Two Potatoes (Sing-Along).mp3  1.23M
|   |   ├──The Muffin Man .mp3  3.76M
|   |   ├──The Potty Song.mp3  710.67kb
|   |   ├──Two Little Blackbirds.mp3  2.87M
|   |   └──Walking Walking .mp3  857.20kb
|   ├──03.主线课程Lv1(44节)  
|   |   ├──L01 My feelings 1合并文件.mp4  123.08M
|   |   ├──L02 My feelings 2合并文件.mp4  137.20M
|   |   ├──L03 My family 1合并文件.mp4  134.92M
|   |   ├──L04 My family 2合并文件.mp4  106.70M
|   |   ├──L05 My face 1合并文件.mp4  102.16M
|   |   ├──L06 My face 2合并文件.mp4  94.82M
|   |   ├──L07 My body 1合并文件.mp4  101.40M
|   |   ├──L08 My body 2合并文件.mp4  99.34M
|   |   ├──L09 Counting 1合并文件.mp4  112.01M
|   |   ├──L1 My feelings 1合并文件.mp4  123.08M
|   |   ├──L10 Counting 2合并文件.mp4  130.80M
|   |   ├──L11 Colors 1合并文件.mp4  94.11M
|   |   ├──L12 Colors 2合并文件.mp4  125.84M
|   |   ├──L13 Shapes 1合并文件.mp4  86.34M
|   |   ├──L14 Shapes 2合并文件.mp4  91.71M
|   |   ├──L15 Actions 1合并文件.mp4  118.58M
|   |   ├──L16 Actions 2合并文件.mp4  166.16M
|   |   ├──L17 Clothes 1合并文件.mp4  145.30M
|   |   ├──L18 Clothes 2合并文件.mp4  130.02M
|   |   ├──L19 Bathroom 1合并文件.mp4  120.94M
|   |   ├──L20 Bathroom 2合并文件.mp4  136.62M
|   |   ├──L21 Fruits 1合并文件.mp4  226.50M
|   |   ├──L22 Fruits 2合并文件.mp4  162.77M
|   |   ├──L23 Vegetables 1合并文件.mp4  142.59M
|   |   ├──L24 Vegetables 2合并文件.mp4  137.19M
|   |   ├──L25 My pets 1合并文件.mp4  157.33M
|   |   ├──L26 My pets 2合并文件.mp4  150.88M
|   |   ├──L27 Zoo animals 1合并文件.mp4  138.06M
|   |   ├──L28 Zoo animals 2合并文件.mp4  117.71M
|   |   ├──L29 Breakfast 1合并文件.mp4  151.93M
|   |   ├──L30 Breakfast 2合并文件.mp4  206.84M
|   |   ├──L31 Ball games 1合并文件.mp4  192.06M
|   |   ├──L32 Ball games 2合并文件.mp4  171.25M
|   |   ├──L33 Eating utensils 1合并文件.mp4  151.66M
|   |   ├──L34 Eating utensils 2合并文件.mp4  139.06M
|   |   ├──L35 Comfort food 1合并文件.mp4  175.94M
|   |   ├──L36 Comfort food 2合并文件.mp4  155.25M
|   |   ├──L37 Job 1合并文件.mp4  153.50M
|   |   ├──L38 Job 2合并文件.mp4  154.71M
|   |   ├──L39 On my way 1合并文件.mp4  172.94M
|   |   ├──L40 On my way 2合并文件.mp4  159.28M
|   |   ├──L41 Playground 1合并文件.mp4  202.51M
|   |   ├──L42 Playground 2合并文件.mp4  218.97M
|   |   ├──L43 Weather 1合并文件.mp4  159.92M
|   |   └──L44 Weather 2合并文件.mp4  148.63M
|   ├──03B.VIP赠送Level1课程  
|   |   ├──L1 My feelings 1合并文件.mp4  123.08M
|   |   ├──L2 My feelings 2合并文件.mp4  137.20M
|   |   └──L3 My family 1合并文件.mp4  134.92M
|   ├──04.主线课程Lv2(16节)  
|   |   ├──L01 Actions 3 合并文件.mp4  135.01M
|   |   ├──L02 Actions 4 合并文件.mp4  140.29M
|   |   ├──L03 My Family 3 合并文件.mp4  137.08M
|   |   ├──L04 My Family 4 合并文件.mp4  111.98M
|   |   ├──L05 My Body 3 合并文件.mp4  119.54M
|   |   ├──L06 My Body 4 合并文件.mp4  122.23M
|   |   ├──L07 Clothes 3 合并文件.mp4  134.25M
|   |   ├──L08 Clothes 4 合并文件.mp4  151.45M
|   |   ├──L09 Counting 3 合并文件.mp4  118.72M
|   |   ├──L10 Counting 4 合并文件.mp4  137.93M
|   |   ├──L11 Colors 3 合并文件.mp4  129.16M
|   |   ├──L12 Colors 4 合并文件.mp4  130.81M
|   |   ├──L13 Shapes 3 合并文件.mp4  134.93M
|   |   ├──L14 Shapes 4 合并文件.mp4  293.60M
|   |   ├──L15 My Feelings 3 合并文件.mp4  271.60M
|   |   └──L16 My Feelings 4 .mp4  169.83M
|   ├──05.自然拼读Lv1(21节)  
|   |   ├──L01 B 合并文件.mp4  235.20M
|   |   ├──L02 C 合并文件.mp4  200.34M
|   |   ├──L03 D 合并文件.mp4  177.77M
|   |   ├──L04 F 合并文件.mp4  251.24M
|   |   ├──L05 G 合并文件.mp4  202.89M
|   |   ├──L06 H 合并文件.mp4  221.50M
|   |   ├──L07 J 合并文件.mp4  180.71M
|   |   ├──L08 K 合并文件.mp4  214.68M
|   |   ├──L09 L 合并文件.mp4  217.77M
|   |   ├──L10 M 合并文件.mp4  198.98M
|   |   ├──L11 N 合并文件.mp4  211.36M
|   |   ├──L12 R 合并文件.mp4  188.28M
|   |   ├──L13 S 合并文件.mp4  258.40M
|   |   ├──L14 T 合并文件.mp4  248.82M
|   |   ├──L15 W 合并文件.mp4  259.76M
|   |   ├──L16 Q 合并文件.mp4  197.08M
|   |   ├──L17 V 合并文件.mp4  234.64M
|   |   ├──L18 X 合并文件.mp4  205.83M
|   |   ├──L19 P 合并文件.mp4  230.11M
|   |   ├──L20 Y 合并文件.mp4  215.66M
|   |   └──L21 Z 合并文件.mp4  207.45M
|   ├──06.歌词慢速朗读音频 4个  
|   |   ├──L1 Where Is Daddy.mp3  2.47M
|   |   ├──L2 Big and Small.mp3  1.64M
|   |   ├──L3 Who Stole the Cookie.mp3  1.69M
|   |   ├──L4 Five Little Monkeys.mp3  1.63M
|   |   ├──教程补充说明.url  0.20kb
|   |   ├──如何正确的使用淘宝数据包.url  0.13kb
|   |   └──扫码每天推送不定期福利哦.jpg  27.41kb
|   ├──07.叽里呱啦原创儿歌精选  
|   |   ├──01. Open Shut Them.mp3  2.39M
|   |   ├──02. Muffin Man.mp3  4.88M
|   |   ├──03. Miss Mary Mack.mp3  5.05M
|   |   ├──04. Two Black Birds.mp3  3.75M
|   |   ├──05. Lavender's Blue(1).mp3  3.75M
|   |   ├──06. Love Somebody.mp3  3.63M
|   |   ├──07. Walking Walking.mp3  4.37M
|   |   ├──08. Apples & Bananas.mp3  4.89M
|   |   ├──09. One potato, Two potatoes.mp3  2.95M
|   |   ├──10. The Potty Song.mp3  3.52M
|   |   ├──11. Row Row Row Your Boat.mp3  2.84M
|   |   ├──12. Sleepy Bear.mp3  2.78M
|   |   ├──[Are.You.Happy.My.Dear.Mom].mp3  3.95M
|   |   ├──[Bubbles].mp3  3.01M
|   |   ├──[Cloth.Song].mp3  4.99M
|   |   ├──[Color.Song] (2).mp3  4.03M
|   |   ├──[Color.Song].mp3  5.89M
|   |   ├──[Counting.Song pt.1].mp3  5.96M
|   |   ├──[Family.Song].mp3  6.03M
|   |   ├──[Five.Apples.in.the.Apple.Tree].mp3  4.89M
|   |   ├──[Five.Little.Ducks].mp3  4.29M
|   |   ├──[Food.Song].mp3  6.19M
|   |   ├──[Greeting.Song].mp3  3.36M
|   |   ├──[Hello.Song].mp3  3.27M
|   |   ├──[I'm.Little.Snowman].mp3  4.29M
|   |   ├──[Let's.Get.Dress's.Song].mp3  4.85M
|   |   ├──[Pee-Ka-Boo.Song].mp3  4.31M
|   |   ├──[Quiet.Please].mp3  3.69M
|   |   ├──[Shape.Song].mp3  3.86M
|   |   ├──[Toy.Song].mp3  4.74M
|   |   └──叽里呱啦主题曲.mp3  1.51M
|   ├──142个儿歌MP3音频  
|   |   ├──001 Five  little ducks.mp3  1.89M
|   |   ├──002 Finger family.mp3  964.20kb
|   |   ├──003 Head shouders kness & toes.mp3  1.84M
|   |   ├──004 Hello.mp3  1.20M
|   |   ├──005 One little finger.mp3  2.01M
|   |   ├──006 1,2 Buckle my shoe.mp3  979.31kb
|   |   ├──007 3 little kittens.mp3  2.05M
|   |   ├──008 5 little monkeys.mp3  1.87M
|   |   ├──009 5 little Speckled Frogs.mp3  2.27M
|   |   ├──010 A sailor went to sea.mp3  1.50M
|   |   ├──011 ABC In Outer Space.mp3  1.91M
|   |   ├──012 ABC phonics song.mp3  1.33M
|   |   ├──013 ABC songs.mp3  1.69M
|   |   ├──014 After a while.mp3  761.75kb
|   |   ├──015 Animal sounds.mp3  2.12M
|   |   ├──016 Ants go marching.mp3  1.54M
|   |   ├──017 Baa baa black sheep.mp3  806.65kb
|   |   ├──018 Being kind to each other.mp3  1.51M
|   |   ├──019 Brush your teeth song.mp3  1.53M
|   |   ├──020 Bye bye goodbye.mp3  1.58M
|   |   ├──021 Christmas is coming.mp3  2.43M
|   |   ├──022 Christmas is Magic.mp3  1.67M
|   |   ├──023 Clean up song.mp3  1.42M
|   |   ├──024 Colors and actions song for children.mp3  2.21M
|   |   ├──025 Counting Bananas.mp3  1.29M
|   |   ├──026 Days of the week song.mp3  1.48M
|   |   ├──027 Ding dong bell.mp3  1.45M
|   |   ├──028 Dinosaur song.mp3  1.45M
|   |   ├──029 Do you like broccoli ice cream.mp3  2.21M
|   |   ├──030 Driving in my car song.mp3  1.34M
|   |   ├──031 Eeney meeney miney moe.mp3  927.88kb
|   |   ├──032 Exercise song.mp3  1.55M
|   |   ├──033 Five little pumpkins.mp3  2.73M
|   |   ├──034 Getting dressed song.mp3  1.38M
|   |   ├──035 Give me something to eat.mp3  1.29M
|   |   ├──036 Go away.mp3  1.46M
|   |   ├──037 Going on a lion hunt.mp3  2.57M
|   |   ├──038 Good morning.mp3  806.65kb
|   |   ├──039 Happy birthday song-1.mp3  1.10M
|   |   ├──040 Happy birthday song-2.mp3  1020.94kb
|   |   ├──041 Hello hello.mp3  1.11M
|   |   ├──042 Hello snowman.mp3  1016.45kb
|   |   ├──043 Hello song.mp3  1.48M
|   |   ├──044 Here we go looby loo.mp3  1.60M
|   |   ├──045 Hey diddle diddle.mp3  2.02M
|   |   ├──046 Hickory dickory dock.mp3  1.17M
|   |   ├──047 Hot cross buns.mp3  1.14M
|   |   ├──048 How's the weather.mp3  1.66M
|   |   ├──049 Humpty dumpty.mp3  1.34M
|   |   ├──050 I have a pet.mp3  1.92M
|   |   ├──051 I hear thunder.mp3  1.44M
|   |   ├──052 I see something blue.mp3  2.59M
|   |   ├──053 I See Something Pink.mp3  2.51M
|   |   ├──054 Ice cream song for children.mp3  1.24M
|   |   ├──055 If you're happy.mp3  1.69M
|   |   ├──056 I'm a little snowman.mp3  1.13M
|   |   ├──057 Jack and jill.mp3  1.29M
|   |   ├──058 Jingle bell.mp3  2.48M
|   |   ├──059 Johny johny yes papa.mp3  1.05M
|   |   ├──060 Knock knock trick or treat-1.mp3  2.79M
|   |   ├──061 Ladybug.mp3  1.42M
|   |   ├──062 Let's go to the zoo.mp3  3.36M
|   |   ├──063 Little boy blue.mp3  1.39M
|   |   ├──064 Little snowflake.mp3  1.98M
|   |   ├──065 London bridge is falling down.mp3  1.59M
|   |   ├──066 Make a circle.mp3  930.73kb
|   |   ├──067 Mary had a little lamb.mp3  1.54M
|   |   ├──068 Miss polly had a dolly.mp3  1.87M
|   |   ├──069 Mr.mp3  1.51M
|   |   ├──070 Muffin man.mp3  2.76M
|   |   ├──071 My teady bear.mp3  1.84M
|   |   ├──072 No monsters song.mp3  2.25M
|   |   ├──073 Number train 0-20.mp3  1.94M
|   |   ├──074 Numbers 10 to 100.mp3  1.68M
|   |   ├──075 Numbers song1-10.mp3  1.86M
|   |   ├──076 Old king cole.mp3  1.43M
|   |   ├──077 Old macdonald had a farm.mp3  1.09M
|   |   ├──078 Old mother hubbard.mp3  1.39M
|   |   ├──079 Once I caught a fish alive.mp3  1.15M
|   |   ├──080 One Potato Two Potatoes.mp3  1.23M
|   |   ├──081 Open shut them.mp3  2.26M
|   |   ├──082 Oranges and lemons.mp3  1.32M
|   |   ├──083 Pat a cake.mp3  900.94kb
|   |   ├──084 Pop goes the weasel.mp3  1.51M
|   |   ├──085 Potty song.mp3  1.23M
|   |   ├──086 Pussy cat.mp3  1.40M
|   |   ├──087 Put on your shoes.mp3  2.63M
|   |   ├──088 Rain rain go away.mp3  1.80M
|   |   ├──089 Rainbow colors song.mp3  1.39M
|   |   ├──090 Rig a jig jig.mp3  1.47M
|   |   ├──091 Ring around the rosy.mp3  1.34M
|   |   ├──092 Rock a bye baby.mp3  1.82M
|   |   ├──093 Rock Scissors Paper.mp3  1.61M
|   |   ├──094 Rock scissors paper-2.mp3  1.59M
|   |   ├──095 Row row row your boat.mp3  1.06M
|   |   ├──096 Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.mp3  1.83M
|   |   ├──097 Say Cheese.mp3  1.56M
|   |   ├──098 See saw margery daw.mp3  1.01M
|   |   ├──099 Shapes train song.mp3  1.88M
|   |   ├──100 Sing a song of six pence.mp3  1.38M
|   |   ├──101 Six little ducks.mp3  1.71M
|   |   ├──102 Skidamarink.mp3  2.09M
|   |   ├──103 Sleeping bunnies.mp3  1.59M
|   |   ├──104 Star light star bright.mp3  1.72M
|   |   ├──105 Sweet dreams.mp3  2.59M
|   |   ├──106 Swimming song.mp3  1.60M
|   |   ├──107 Teddy bear.mp3  1.61M
|   |   ├──108 Ten in the bed.mp3  2.27M
|   |   ├──109 Ten little dinosaurs.mp3  1.75M
|   |   ├──110 The bath song.mp3  2.03M
|   |   ├──111 The bear went over the mountain.mp3  1.67M
|   |   ├──112 The color train song.mp3  1.64M
|   |   ├──113 The eensey weensey spider.mp3  1.83M
|   |   ├──114 The hokey pokey shake.mp3  2.25M
|   |   ├──115 The itsy bitsy spider.mp3  964.20kb
|   |   ├──116 The lion and The unicorn.mp3  1.50M
|   |   ├──117 The pinocchio.mp3  2.86M
|   |   ├──118 The shape song-1.mp3  3.75M
|   |   ├──119 The shape song-2.mp3  3.75M
|   |   ├──120 Three blind mice.mp3  2.20M
|   |   ├──121 Twinkle twinkle little star.mp3  1.86M
|   |   ├──122 Wag your tail.mp3  2.45M
|   |   ├──123 Walking in the jungle.mp3  2.97M
|   |   ├──124 Wash your hands song.mp3  1.54M
|   |   ├──125 We all fall down.mp3  1.74M
|   |   ├──126 We wish you merry christmas.mp3  1.63M
|   |   ├──127 What do you hear.mp3  2.82M
|   |   ├──128 What time is it.mp3  1.48M
|   |   ├──129 Wheels on the bus-1.mp3  1.64M
|   |   ├──130 Wheels on the bus2.mp3  1.69M
|   |   ├──131 Wheels on the bus-2.mp3  1.66M
|   |   ├──132 Wheels on the bus-3.mp3  1.69M
|   |   ├──133 Wheels on the bus-4.mp3  2.22M
|   |   ├──134 Who Took The Cookie.mp3  1.82M
|   |   ├──135 Yankee doodle.mp3  1.38M
|   |   ├──136 Yes  I can.mp3  3.05M
|   |   ├──137 Bingo.mp3  2.44M
|   |   ├──138 Uh huh.mp3  1.34M
|   |   ├──139 The grand old duke of york.mp3  1.14M
|   |   ├──140 Ten green bottles.mp3  1.84M
|   |   ├──141 Deck the halls.mp3  1.82M
|   |   └──142 Knock knock trick or treat-2.mp3  2.84M
|   ├──142个儿歌MP4视频  
|   |   ├──001 Five  little ducks.mp4  7.00M
|   |   ├──002 Finger family.mp4  3.48M
|   |   ├──003 Head shouders kness & toes.mp4  6.82M
|   |   ├──004 Hello.mp4  4.46M
|   |   ├──005 One little finger.mp4  7.46M
|   |   ├──006 1,2 Buckle my shoe.mp4  3.54M
|   |   ├──007 3 little kittens.mp4  7.63M
|   |   ├──008 5 little monkeys.mp4  7.18M
|   |   ├──009 5 little Speckled Frogs.mp4  8.48M
|   |   ├──010 A sailor went to sea.mp4  6.55M
|   |   ├──011 ABC In Outer Space.mp4  7.09M
|   |   ├──012 ABC phonics song.mp4  4.96M
|   |   ├──013 ABC songs.mp4  6.28M
|   |   ├──014 After a while.mp4  2.71M
|   |   ├──015 Animal sounds.mp4  7.84M
|   |   ├──016 Ants go marching.mp4  6.71M
|   |   ├──017 Baa baa black sheep.mp4  2.91M
|   |   ├──018 Being kind to each other.mp4  6.58M
|   |   ├──019 Brush your teeth song.mp4  5.70M
|   |   ├──020 Bye bye goodbye.mp4  5.89M
|   |   ├──021 Christmas is coming.mp4  9.02M
|   |   ├──022 Christmas is Magic.mp4  6.16M
|   |   ├──023 Clean up song.mp4  5.27M
|   |   ├──024 Colors and actions song for children.mp4  9.61M
|   |   ├──025 Counting Bananas.mp4  4.81M
|   |   ├──026 Days of the week song.mp4  6.48M
|   |   ├──027 Ding dong bell.mp4  5.37M
|   |   ├──028 Dinosaur song.mp4  5.38M
|   |   ├──029 Do you like broccoli ice cream.mp4  8.23M
|   |   ├──030 Driving in my car song.mp4  4.97M
|   |   ├──031 Eeney meeney miney moe.mp4  3.35M
|   |   ├──032 Exercise song.mp4  6.76M
|   |   ├──033 Five little pumpkins.mp4  10.17M
|   |   ├──034 Getting dressed song.mp4  5.97M
|   |   ├──035 Give me something to eat.mp4  4.79M
|   |   ├──036 Go away.mp4  5.46M
|   |   ├──037 Going on a lion hunt.mp4  9.53M
|   |   ├──038 Good morning.mp4  2.92M
|   |   ├──039 Happy birthday song-1.mp4  4.00M
|   |   ├──040 Happy birthday song-2.mp4  4.22M
|   |   ├──041 Hello hello.mp4  4.07M
|   |   ├──042 Hello snowman.mp4  3.66M
|   |   ├──043 Hello song.mp4  6.44M
|   |   ├──044 Here we go looby loo.mp4  5.94M
|   |   ├──045 Hey diddle diddle.mp4  7.52M
|   |   ├──046 Hickory dickory dock.mp4  4.34M
|   |   ├──047 Hot cross buns.mp4  4.19M
|   |   ├──048 How's the weather.mp4  6.16M
|   |   ├──049 Humpty dumpty.mp4  4.97M
|   |   ├──050 I have a pet.mp4  7.17M
|   |   ├──051 I hear thunder.mp4  5.35M
|   |   ├──052 I see something blue.mp4  9.63M
|   |   ├──053 I See Something Pink.mp4  9.36M
|   |   ├──054 Ice cream song for children.mp4  5.47M
|   |   ├──055 If you're happy.mp4  6.32M
|   |   ├──056 I'm a little snowman.mp4  4.23M
|   |   ├──057 Jack and jill.mp4  4.78M
|   |   ├──058 Jingle bell.mp4  11.02M
|   |   ├──059 Johny johny yes papa.mp4  4.55M
|   |   ├──060 Knock knock trick or treat-1.mp4  10.41M
|   |   ├──061 Ladybug.mp4  6.23M
|   |   ├──062 Let's go to the zoo.mp4  12.53M
|   |   ├──063 Little boy blue.mp4  5.16M
|   |   ├──064 Little snowflake.mp4  7.37M
|   |   ├──065 London bridge is falling down.mp4  5.89M
|   |   ├──066 Make a circle.mp4  3.40M
|   |   ├──067 Mary had a little lamb.mp4  5.68M
|   |   ├──068 Miss polly had a dolly.mp4  6.96M
|   |   ├──069 Mr.mp4  6.60M
|   |   ├──070 Muffin man.mp4  10.31M
|   |   ├──071 My teady bear.mp4  6.84M
|   |   ├──072 No monsters song.mp4  8.36M
|   |   ├──073 Number train 0-20.mp4  7.20M
|   |   ├──074 Numbers 10 to 100.mp4  7.32M
|   |   ├──075 Numbers song1-10.mp4  6.92M
|   |   ├──076 Old king cole.mp4  5.30M
|   |   ├──077 Old macdonald had a farm.mp4  4.03M
|   |   ├──078 Old mother hubbard.mp4  5.19M
|   |   ├──079 Once I caught a fish alive.mp4  4.25M
|   |   ├──080 One Potato Two Potatoes.mp4  4.57M
|   |   ├──081 Open shut them.mp4  8.36M
|   |   ├──082 Oranges and lemons.mp4  4.84M
|   |   ├──083 Pat a cake.mp4  3.24M
|   |   ├──084 Pop goes the weasel.mp4  5.59M
|   |   ├──085 Potty song.mp4  5.29M
|   |   ├──086 Pussy cat.mp4  5.19M
|   |   ├──087 Put on your shoes.mp4  9.82M
|   |   ├──088 Rain rain go away.mp4  6.63M
|   |   ├──089 Rainbow colors song.mp4  5.16M
|   |   ├──090 Rig a jig jig.mp4  5.48M
|   |   ├──091 Ring around the rosy.mp4  5.87M
|   |   ├──092 Rock a bye baby.mp4  6.78M
|   |   ├──093 Rock Scissors Paper.mp4  6.02M
|   |   ├──094 Rock scissors paper-2.mp4  5.92M
|   |   ├──095 Row row row your boat.mp4  3.93M
|   |   ├──096 Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.mp4  6.87M
|   |   ├──097 Say Cheese.mp4  5.81M
|   |   ├──098 See saw margery daw.mp4  3.74M
|   |   ├──099 Shapes train song.mp4  8.29M
|   |   ├──100 Sing a song of six pence.mp4  5.09M
|   |   ├──101 Six little ducks.mp4  6.36M
|   |   ├──102 Skidamarink.mp4  7.73M
|   |   ├──103 Sleeping bunnies.mp4  5.87M
|   |   ├──104 Star light star bright.mp4  6.35M
|   |   ├──105 Sweet dreams.mp4  11.48M
|   |   ├──106 Swimming song.mp4  7.02M
|   |   ├──107 Teddy bear.mp4  7.04M
|   |   ├──108 Ten in the bed.mp4  8.49M
|   |   ├──109 Ten little dinosaurs.mp4  6.55M
|   |   ├──110 The bath song.mp4  7.49M
|   |   ├──111 The bear went over the mountain.mp4  7.27M
|   |   ├──112 The color train song.mp4  7.21M
|   |   ├──113 The eensey weensey spider.mp4  6.77M
|   |   ├──114 The hokey pokey shake.mp4  8.34M
|   |   ├──115 The itsy bitsy spider.mp4  3.45M
|   |   ├──116 The lion and The unicorn.mp4  5.56M
|   |   ├──117 The pinocchio.mp4  10.63M
|   |   ├──118 The shape song-1.mp4  14.08M
|   |   ├──119 The shape song-2.mp4  14.09M
|   |   ├──120 Three blind mice.mp4  9.64M
|   |   ├──121 Twinkle twinkle little star.mp4  6.89M
|   |   ├──122 Wag your tail.mp4  9.15M
|   |   ├──123 Walking in the jungle.mp4  11.05M
|   |   ├──124 Wash your hands song.mp4  6.77M
|   |   ├──125 We all fall down.mp4  6.44M
|   |   ├──126 We wish you merry christmas.mp4  6.08M
|   |   ├──127 What do you hear.mp4  10.48M
|   |   ├──128 What time is it.mp4  6.52M
|   |   ├──129 Wheels on the bus-1.mp4  6.12M
|   |   ├──130 Wheels on the bus2.mp4  6.28M
|   |   ├──131 Wheels on the bus-2.mp4  6.17M
|   |   ├──132 Wheels on the bus-3.mp4  6.26M
|   |   ├──133 Wheels on the bus-4.mp4  8.27M
|   |   ├──134 Who Took The Cookie.mp4  6.80M
|   |   ├──135 Yankee doodle.mp4  6.03M
|   |   ├──136 Yes  I can.mp4  11.32M
|   |   ├──137 Bingo.mp4  10.70M
|   |   ├──138 Uh huh.mp4  4.95M
|   |   ├──139 The grand old duke of york.mp4  4.95M
|   |   ├──140 Ten green bottles.mp4  6.84M
|   |   ├──141 Deck the halls.mp4  6.76M
|   |   └──142 Knock knock trick or treat-2.mp4  10.59M
|   ├──叽里呱啦短句闪卡  
|   ├──叽里呱啦原创儿歌精选  
|   |   ├──01. Open Shut Them.mp3  2.39M
|   |   ├──02. Muffin Man.mp3  4.88M
|   |   ├──03. Miss Mary Mack.mp3  5.05M
|   |   ├──04. Two Black Birds.mp3  3.75M
|   |   ├──05. Lavender's Blue.mp3  3.75M
|   |   ├──06. Love Somebody.mp3  3.63M
|   |   ├──07. Walking Walking.mp3  4.37M
|   |   ├──08. Apples & Bananas.mp3  4.89M
|   |   ├──09. One potato, Two potatoes.mp3  2.95M
|   |   ├──10. The Potty Song.mp3  3.52M
|   |   ├──11. Row Row Row Your Boat.mp3  2.84M
|   |   ├──12. Sleepy Bear.mp3  2.78M
|   |   ├──[Are.You.Happy.My.Dear.Mom].mp3  3.95M
|   |   ├──[Bubbles].mp3  3.01M
|   |   ├──[Cloth.Song].mp3  4.99M
|   |   ├──[Color.Song] (2).mp3  4.03M
|   |   ├──[Color.Song].mp3  5.89M
|   |   ├──[Counting.Song pt.1].mp3  5.96M
|   |   ├──[Family.Song].mp3  6.03M
|   |   ├──[Five.Apples.in.the.Apple.Tree].mp3  4.89M
|   |   ├──[Five.Little.Ducks].mp3  4.29M
|   |   ├──[Food.Song].mp3  6.19M
|   |   ├──[Greeting.Song].mp3  3.36M
|   |   ├──[Hello.Song].mp3  3.27M
|   |   ├──[I'm.Little.Snowman].mp3  4.29M
|   |   ├──[Let's.Get.Dress's.Song].mp3  4.85M
|   |   ├──[Pee-Ka-Boo.Song].mp3  4.31M
|   |   ├──[Quiet.Please].mp3  3.69M
|   |   ├──[Shape.Song].mp3  3.86M
|   |   ├──[Toy.Song].mp3  4.74M
|   |   └──叽里呱啦主题曲.mp3  1.51M
|   └──每日一图  
|   |   ├──1.10 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 13 Once I caught a fish alive, then I threw it back again..mp3  113.74kb
|   |   ├──1.11 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 13 A tiger says roar, roar..mp3  94.23kb
|   |   ├──1.12 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 13 A sheep says baa, baa..mp3  102.10kb
|   |   ├──1.15 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 14 Giraffes have long necks..mp3  134.75kb
|   |   ├──1.16 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 14 Elephants have long trunks..mp3  73.76kb
|   |   ├──1.17叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 14 There are five little monkeys jumping on the bed..mp3  105.65kb
|   |   ├──1.18 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 14 Monkeys like eating bananas..mp3  123.36kb
|   |   ├──1.19 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 14 Hippos like eating grass..mp3  102.10kb
|   |   ├──1.2 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 12 I would like some corn for breakfast..mp3  118.43kb
|   |   ├──1.22 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 15 Eggs can help you grow big and strong..mp3  147.00kb
|   |   ├──1.23 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 15 I would like some sausage..mp3  86.79kb
|   |   ├──1.24 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 15 Time for breakfast!.mp3  59.24kb
|   |   ├──1.25 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 15 We're having bread for breakfast..mp3  102.10kb
|   |   ├──1.26 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 15 I love pancakes..mp3  78.63kb
|   |   ├──1.29 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 16 Let's play soccer..mp3  58.22kb
|   |   ├──1.3 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 12 I am a pumpkin, big and round..mp3  169.45kb
|   |   ├──1.30 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 16 I can play basketball well..mp3  87.95kb
|   |   ├──1.31 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 16 Kick the ball into the goal..mp3  101.08kb
|   |   ├──1.4 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 12 Cucumbers are crunchy..mp3  93.94kb
|   |   ├──1.5 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 12 Carrots are yummy..mp3  77.61kb
|   |   ├──1.8 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 13 I got a puppy!.mp3  52.76kb
|   |   ├──1.9 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 13 I want a cat for my birthday..mp3  132.71kb
|   |   ├──10.10 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 孩子把陪伴看作关爱.mp3  135.99kb
|   |   ├──10.11 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我们分着吃吧(1).mp3  86.67kb
|   |   ├──10.12 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我帮你.mp3  92.26kb
|   |   ├──10.13 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 你想玩吗?.mp3  85.13kb
|   |   ├──10.14 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我们一起玩吧.mp3  87.17kb
|   |   ├──10.15 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我来教你.mp3  80.24kb
|   |   ├──10.16 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 1 I am excited..mp3  143.29kb
|   |   ├──10.17 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 1 I am nervous..mp3  133.71kb
|   |   ├──10.18 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 1 I am fine..mp3  142.74kb
|   |   ├──10.19 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 1 I am sleepy..mp3  140.11kb
|   |   ├──10.20 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 1 I am embarrassed..mp3  153.64kb
|   |   ├──10.23 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 2 Good morning, mom..mp3  128.49kb
|   |   ├──10.24 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 2 Good night, dad..mp3  129.96kb
|   |   ├──10.25 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 2 Thank you mommy .mp3  124.33kb
|   |   ├──10.26 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 2 Good afternoon, grandma..mp3  78.51kb
|   |   ├──10.27 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 2 Good evening, grandpa..mp3  66.51kb
|   |   ├──10.30 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 3 Show me your cheek..mp3  81.69kb
|   |   ├──10.31 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 3 Show me your chin..mp3  76.59kb
|   |   ├──10.9 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 一天很漫长,一年却很短暂。.mp3  126.63kb
|   |   ├──11.1 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 3 We have two eyes and a carrot for a nose..mp3  177.61kb
|   |   ├──11.10 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 4 I can kick my legs..mp3  105.16kb
|   |   ├──11.13 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..mp3  162.30kb
|   |   ├──11.14 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 5 Dogs have 4 legs..mp3  84.75kb
|   |   ├──11.15 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 5 Five hungry ants marching in a line..mp3  209.24kb
|   |   ├──11.16 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 5 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..mp3  135.77kb
|   |   ├──11.17 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 5 There are 3 fish swimming in the water..mp3  130.67kb
|   |   ├──11.2 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 3 Here is my nose..mp3  89.85kb
|   |   ├──11.20 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 6 My coat is red..mp3  70.47kb
|   |   ├──11.21 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 6 My shoes are yellow..mp3  73.53kb
|   |   ├──11.22 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 6 If you are wearing red, jump up and down..mp3  224.55kb
|   |   ├──11.23 叽里呱啦每日一句 -Happy Thanksgiving!.mp3  79.65kb
|   |   ├──11.24 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 6 The grass is green..mp3  87.81kb
|   |   ├──11.27 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 I see circles..mp3  80.67kb
|   |   ├──11.28 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 These crackers are square..mp3  104.14kb
|   |   ├──11.29 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 A circle is round like a steering wheel. - 副本.mp3  149.04kb
|   |   ├──11.29 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 A circle is round like a steering wheel..mp3  149.04kb
|   |   ├──11.3 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 3 Here is my mouth..mp3  98.06kb
|   |   ├──11.30 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 My hat has triangles. - 副本.mp3  105.16kb
|   |   ├──11.30 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 My hat has triangles..mp3  105.16kb
|   |   ├──11.6 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 4 I write with my hands..mp3  129.65kb
|   |   ├──11.7 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 4 I can raise my arms..mp3  105.16kb
|   |   ├──11.8 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 4 Wash your hands. Get them nice and clean..mp3  157.20kb
|   |   ├──11.9 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 4 I walk with my feet..mp3  99.04kb
|   |   ├──12.1 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 This book is a rectangle. - 副本.mp3  176.59kb
|   |   ├──12.1 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 7 This book is a rectangle..mp3  176.59kb
|   |   ├──12.11 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 I want to wear this flowery dress. - 副本.mp3  127.61kb
|   |   ├──12.11 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 I want to wear this flowery dress..mp3  127.61kb
|   |   ├──12.12 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 I want to wear these striped pants. - 副本.mp3  152.10kb
|   |   ├──12.12 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 I want to wear these striped pants..mp3  152.10kb
|   |   ├──12.13 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 It's a bright new day. Let's get dressed. - 副本.mp3  156.18kb
|   |   ├──12.13 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 It's a bright new day. Let's get dressed..mp3  156.18kb
|   |   ├──12.15 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 I am wearing my rain boots to play in the puddles. - 副本.mp3  227.61kb
|   |   ├──12.15 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 9 I am wearing my rain boots to play in the puddles..mp3  227.61kb
|   |   ├──12.18 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 10 I want a bubble bath. - 副本.mp3  93.94kb
|   |   ├──12.18 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 10 I want a bubble bath..mp3  93.94kb
|   |   ├──12.19 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 10 I got shampoo in my eyes..mp3  124.55kb
|   |   ├──12.20 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 10 Bubbles go pop, pop, pop!.mp3  101.08kb
|   |   ├──12.21 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 10 Pass me the soap, please..mp3  97.00kb
|   |   ├──12.22 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 10 Dry with a towel..mp3  178.63kb
|   |   ├──12.25 Merry Christmas!.mp3  67.41kb
|   |   ├──12.26 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 11 Please help me peel the banana..mp3  100.06kb
|   |   ├──12.27 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 11 Down came an apple from the apple tree..mp3  129.65kb
|   |   ├──12.28 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 11 The pear tastes good..mp3  113.32kb
|   |   ├──12.29 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 11 I like oranges the best..mp3  88.83kb
|   |   ├──12.4 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 Hop like a bunny. - 副本.mp3  76.59kb
|   |   ├──12.4 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 Hop like a bunny..mp3  76.59kb
|   |   ├──12.5 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 Crawl like a baby. - 副本.mp3  89.85kb
|   |   ├──12.5 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 Crawl like a baby..mp3  89.85kb
|   |   ├──12.6 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 Clap your hands together. - 副本.mp3  93.94kb
|   |   ├──12.6 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 Clap your hands together..mp3  93.94kb
|   |   ├──12.7 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 I like to jump up and down. - 副本.mp3  110.26kb
|   |   ├──12.7 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 I like to jump up and down..mp3  110.26kb
|   |   ├──12.8 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 I like to roll back and forth. - 副本.mp3  125.57kb
|   |   ├──12.8 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 8 I like to roll back and forth..mp3  125.57kb
|   |   ├──2.1 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 16  I can't play badminton..mp3  75.57kb
|   |   ├──2.11 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 17 Do you prefer to use a spoon or chopsticks.mp3  214.34kb
|   |   ├──2.2 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 16  Look! I can bounce the ball..mp3  118.43kb
|   |   ├──2.26 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 20 Let's ride our bicycles..mp3  93.94kb
|   |   ├──2.27 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 20 I go to school by metro..mp3  88.83kb
|   |   ├──2.28 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 20 The wheels on the bus go round and round..mp3  178.67kb
|   |   ├──2.5 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 17 I need a fork..mp3  60.26kb
|   |   ├──2.6 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 17 We use a knife to cut..mp3  105.16kb
|   |   ├──2.7 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 17 How do I use chopsticks.mp3  145.30kb
|   |   ├──2.8 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 17 Eat with your spoon.mp3  70.47kb
|   |   ├──2.9 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 17 Here are your chopsticks..mp3  101.08kb
|   |   ├──3.1 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 20 The plane is taking off!.mp3  99.04kb
|   |   ├──3.5 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 21 I want to play on the seesaw..mp3  102.10kb
|   |   ├──3.6 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 21 Let's play on the slide..mp3  75.57kb
|   |   ├──3.7 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 21 Let me push you on the swing..mp3  91.90kb
|   |   ├──3.8 叽里呱啦每日一句 - Week 21 I want to swing a bit more..mp3  82.71kb
|   |   ├──6.21.mp3  84.75kb
|   |   ├──6.22.mp3  77.26kb
|   |   ├──6.26.mp3  81.76kb
|   |   ├──6.27.mp3  78.38kb
|   |   ├──8.25 叽里呱啦每日一句 The right path is not the easiest one..mp3  139.77kb
|   |   ├──8.28 叽里呱啦每日一句 Beauty is found within. .mp3  110.10kb
|   |   ├──8.29 叽里呱啦每日一句 It's time to take a bath..mp3  76.84kb
|   |   ├──8.30 叽里呱啦每日一句 Take off your clothes. .mp3  94.85kb
|   |   ├──8.31 叽里呱啦每日一句 Arms up. .mp3  80.60kb
|   |   ├──9.1 叽里呱啦每日一句 Back to school! Happy Parent's Day!.mp3  117.51kb
|   |   ├──9.11 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 睡个好觉。不要被虫咬。.mp3  124.10kb
|   |   ├──9.12 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 你想要念哪一本书?.mp3  104.98kb
|   |   ├──9.13 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 你是我最好的朋友.mp3  114.08kb
|   |   ├──9.14 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我们堵在路上了。.mp3  109.95kb
|   |   ├──9.15 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我们抄近路吧.mp3  104.33kb
|   |   ├──9.16 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 时光飞逝。.mp3  94.95kb
|   |   ├──9.18 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 开卷有益.mp3  117.45kb
|   |   ├──9.19 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我们来画一幅画吧。.mp3  105.45kb
|   |   ├──9.20 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我们该用什么颜色呢?.mp3  109.93kb
|   |   ├──9.21 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 我们用蓝色吧。.mp3  98.70kb
|   |   ├──9.22 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 蓝色混黄色成绿色。.mp3  130.58kb
|   |   ├──9.23 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 秋分.mp3  90.50kb
|   |   ├──9.24 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 红色混黄色成橘色。.mp3  129.90kb
|   |   ├──9.25 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 蓝色混红色成紫色。.mp3  128.70kb
|   |   ├──9.26 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 你真是一个画画高手.mp3  117.45kb
|   |   ├──9.27 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 世界旅游日.mp3  91.11kb
|   |   ├──9.28 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 车子移动地太慢了.mp3  119.33kb
|   |   ├──9.29 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 沉默是金.mp3  94.40kb
|   |   ├──9.30 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 高声表扬,温柔指正.mp3  111.63kb
|   |   ├──9.6 叽里呱啦每日一句 Pick a book. .mp3  82.85kb
|   |   ├──9.7 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 白露.mp3  93.66kb
|   |   ├──9.8 叽里呱啦每日一句 - 这是最后一本喔。.mp3  99.35kb
|   |   ├──Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.22 - 副本.mp3  106.76kb
|   |   ├──Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.22.mp3  106.76kb
|   |   ├──Beginning of Autumn 立秋。 叽里呱啦每日一句  8.7 - 副本.mp3  92.62kb
|   |   ├──Beginning of Autumn 立秋。 叽里呱啦每日一句  8.7.mp3  92.62kb
|   |   ├──Can you come and help me 能过来帮我一下吗? 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.10 - 副本.mp3  93.00kb
|   |   ├──Can you come and help me 能过来帮我一下吗? 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.10.mp3  93.00kb
|   |   ├──Can you help me clean the house 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.11 - 副本.mp3  104.63kb
|   |   ├──Can you help me clean the house 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.11.mp3  104.63kb
|   |   ├──Clean up your own mess please! 自己收拾干净! 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.14 - 副本.mp3  106.87kb
|   |   ├──Clean up your own mess please! 自己收拾干净! 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.14.mp3  106.87kb
|   |   ├──Do you feel better. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.9 - 副本.mp3  95.39kb
|   |   ├──Do you feel better. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.9.mp3  95.39kb
|   |   ├──Don't cry over spilt milk. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.14 - 副本.mp3  98.65kb
|   |   ├──Don't cry over spilt milk. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.14.mp3  98.65kb
|   |   ├──Every cloud has a silver lining. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.13 - 副本.mp3  67.16kb
|   |   ├──Every cloud has a silver lining. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.13.mp3  67.16kb
|   |   ├──Follow directions. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.12 - 副本.mp3  119.83kb
|   |   ├──Follow directions. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.12.mp3  119.83kb
|   |   ├──Get some rest. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.8 - 副本.mp3  96.14kb
|   |   ├──Get some rest. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.8.mp3  96.14kb
|   |   ├──Hold on to the float. 抓住浮板。叽里呱啦每日一句 7.18  - 副本.mp3  86.27kb
|   |   ├──Hold on to the float. 抓住浮板。叽里呱啦每日一句 7.18 .mp3  86.27kb
|   |   ├──How do you feel? 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.7 - 副本.mp3  96.89kb
|   |   ├──How do you feel? 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.7.mp3  96.89kb
|   |   ├──How much is it?这个多少钱? 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.25 - 副本.mp3  82.08kb
|   |   ├──How much is it?这个多少钱? 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.25.mp3  82.08kb
|   |   ├──I don't feel very well. 叽里呱啦每日一句6.29 - 副本.mp3  110.07kb
|   |   ├──I don't feel very well. 叽里呱啦每日一句6.29.mp3  110.07kb
|   |   ├──I have a fever. 叽里呱啦每日一句 6.30 - 副本.mp3  102.57kb
|   |   ├──I have a fever. 叽里呱啦每日一句 6.30.mp3  102.57kb
|   |   ├──I have a stomachache. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.4 - 副本.mp3  106.27kb
|   |   ├──I have a stomachache. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.4.mp3  106.27kb
|   |   ├──I want some yogurt. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.28 - 副本.mp3  92.57kb
|   |   ├──I want some yogurt. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.28.mp3  92.57kb
|   |   ├──I will take you to the doctor's office. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.6 - 副本.mp3  124.27kb
|   |   ├──I will take you to the doctor's office. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.6.mp3  124.27kb
|   |   ├──I'm coming to see you. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.5 - 副本.mp3  105.52kb
|   |   ├──I'm coming to see you. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.5.mp3  105.52kb
|   |   ├──Is the water cold  叽里呱啦每日一句 7.17 - 副本.mp3  84.39kb
|   |   ├──Is the water cold  叽里呱啦每日一句 7.17.mp3  84.39kb
|   |   ├──Is there a discount 打折吗? 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.3 - 副本.mp3  90.33kb
|   |   ├──Is there a discount 打折吗? 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.3.mp3  90.33kb
|   |   ├──Kick your legs. 踢踢腿。叽里呱啦每日一句 7.19 - 副本.mp3  77.65kb
|   |   ├──Kick your legs. 踢踢腿。叽里呱啦每日一句 7.19.mp3  77.65kb
|   |   ├──Let's make a shopping list. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.26 - 副本.mp3  86.56kb
|   |   ├──Let's make a shopping list. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.26.mp3  86.56kb
|   |   ├──Let's play in the water. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.16 - 副本.mp3  87.40kb
|   |   ├──Let's play in the water. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.16.mp3  87.40kb
|   |   ├──Mop the floor. 拖地板。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.17 - 副本.mp3  84.35kb
|   |   ├──Mop the floor. 拖地板。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.17.mp3  84.35kb
|   |   ├──My nose is stuffy. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.3 - 副本.mp3  102.89kb
|   |   ├──My nose is stuffy. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.3.mp3  102.89kb
|   |   ├──No cheating. 不要作弊。叽里呱啦每日一句 7.24  - 副本.mp3  72.11kb
|   |   ├──No cheating. 不要作弊。叽里呱啦每日一句 7.24 .mp3  72.11kb
|   |   ├──No one is perfect. 人无完人。叽里呱啦每日一句 8.24 - 副本.mp3  105.22kb
|   |   ├──No one is perfect. 人无完人。叽里呱啦每日一句 8.24.mp3  105.22kb
|   |   ├──Please give me a bag. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.4 - 副本.mp3  93.33kb
|   |   ├──Please give me a bag. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.4.mp3  93.33kb
|   |   ├──Put it here. 放在这。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.16 - 副本.mp3  83.25kb
|   |   ├──Put it here. 放在这。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.16.mp3  83.25kb
|   |   ├──Put it there. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.21 - 副本.mp3  81.37kb
|   |   ├──Put it there. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.21.mp3  81.37kb
|   |   ├──Put this book back on the bookshelf. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.15 - 副本.mp3  121.12kb
|   |   ├──Put this book back on the bookshelf. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.15.mp3  121.12kb
|   |   ├──see you next time 叽里呱啦每日一句6.28 - 副本.mp3  81.01kb
|   |   ├──see you next time 叽里呱啦每日一句6.28.mp3  81.01kb
|   |   ├──That's a good deal. 太划算了。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.1 - 副本.mp3  93.32kb
|   |   ├──That's a good deal. 太划算了。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.1.mp3  93.32kb
|   |   ├──That's expensive. 太贵了。 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.31 - 副本.mp3  79.06kb
|   |   ├──That's expensive. 太贵了。 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.31.mp3  79.06kb
|   |   ├──That's too much. 太多了。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.2 - 副本.mp3  89.93kb
|   |   ├──That's too much. 太多了。 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.2.mp3  89.93kb
|   |   ├──The future belongs to.... 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.8 - 副本.mp3  147.00kb
|   |   ├──The future belongs to.... 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.8.mp3  147.00kb
|   |   ├──The sun is very hot. 叽里呱啦每日一句。7.15 - 副本.mp3  94.90kb
|   |   ├──The sun is very hot. 叽里呱啦每日一句。7.15.mp3  94.90kb
|   |   ├──Water the plants. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.18 - 副本.mp3  88.87kb
|   |   ├──Water the plants. 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.18.mp3  88.87kb
|   |   ├──We need some milk. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.27 - 副本.mp3  88.82kb
|   |   ├──We need some milk. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.27.mp3  88.82kb
|   |   ├──Who's my little helper 谁是我的小帮手?  叽里呱啦每日一句 8.9 - 副本.mp3  88.87kb
|   |   ├──Who's my little helper 谁是我的小帮手?  叽里呱啦每日一句 8.9.mp3  88.87kb
|   |   ├──why fit in when you were born to stand out 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.23 - 副本.mp3  130.72kb
|   |   ├──why fit in when you were born to stand out 叽里呱啦每日一句 8.23.mp3  130.72kb
|   |   ├──You are a good swimmer. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.20  - 副本.mp3  87.40kb
|   |   ├──You are a good swimmer. 叽里呱啦每日一句 7.20 .mp3  87.40kb

下一篇:李岑 剑桥KET集训与新概念第一册语法句型串讲视频课程百度云网盘下载
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